Summer 2018
Springtime on Neptune is an exhibition exploring ideas of Afrofuturism and radical imagination that showcases artwork created by artists ages 5 to 13. Their artistic expression investigates the constantly shifting definition of Afrofuturism, its effect on contemporary culture, and the conceptual ideas of outer space being utilized to assist in the education of fine art and contemporary social issues.
The title, Springtime on Neptune, is derived from a composition created by Sun Ra, often referred to as the pioneer of Afrofuturism. The song, titled “Have you heard the news from Neptune,” feeds into Sun Ra’s larger body of work, which brings news of a utopian other world and was created to “wake up” a culture. Springtime on Neptune is answering his call and providing the “news” to the public from the voices of kids.
But Afrofuturism is more than just Black Science Fiction; it is a starting point for dreaming of a more radically imaginative, inclusive culture and world in which Black identity is acknowledged and has a celebrated role.
The artists who created this show were given space to alter their imagined futures and their imagined worlds. Often, children are bound by the limitations of their current environments, and their imaginations become stunted by what immediately surrounds them, both physically and mentally. The skill of imagining is essential in being able to evaluate current conditions in order to initiate radical change.