Information and resources about COVID-19.
Information and resources about COVID-19.
The health and safety of our community are our top priority at KIPP Chicago Public Schools. We are committed to providing our students and staff with a safe and joyful in-person learning environment and will continue to follow CDPH guidance, and make necessary adjustments accordingly.
Reporting Positive Cases over Winter Break
In the event that a KIPP Chicago student tests positive for COVID over winter break, a Student COVID Illness Report should be submitted to help us track and report cases to the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) and will allow us to remove the student from taking a SHIELD test and avoid a false positive result.
Post-Holiday Testing
The CDC and the Chicago Department of Public Health predict another surge after winter break as many Americans will be traveling during the holidays. To protect our school community, KIPP Chicago will test at least 80% of participating students onsite on Tuesday, January 10th, to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our schools. Students that opted out or have tested positive in the last 90 days will not be allowed to participate. To report a positive case over winter break, please submit a Student COVID Illness Report. This will allow us to remove the student from taking a SHIELD test and avoid a false positive result.
SHIELD Testing Guidelines & Reminders
If you have any questions, please get in touch with the COVID Nurse at your campus or email Ms. Herrera at
Reportar casos positivos durante las vacaciones de invierno
En el caso de que un estudiante de KIPP Chicago dé positivo por COVID durante las vacaciones de invierno, se debe enviar un Informe de enfermedad COVID del estudiante para ayudarnos a rastrear y reportar casos al Departamento de Salud Pública de Chicago (CDPH).
Programación de la prueba SHIELD después de las vacaciones
El CDC y el Departamento de Salud Pública de Chicago predicen otro aumento después de las vacaciones de invierno, ya que muchos estadounidenses viajarán durante las fiestas navideñas. Para proteger a nuestra comunidad escolar, KIPP Chicago evaluará al 80% de los estudiantes participantes en la escuela el martes 10 de enero para ayudar a prevenir la propagación de COVID-19 en nuestras escuelas. Los estudiantes que hayan optado por no participar o hayan dado positivo en los últimos 90 días no podrán participar. Para informar un caso positivo durante las vacaciones, por favor envíe un Informe de enfermedad COVID-19 del estudiante. Esto nos permitirá retirar al estudiante de la prueba SHIELD y evitar un resultado falso positivo.
Recordatorias de la prueba SHIELD
Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con la enfermera de COVID o envíe un correo electrónico a la Señorita Herrera a
Reporting Positive Cases over Winter Break
In the event that a KIPP Chicago staff member tests positive for COVID over winter break, s/he should complete the Staff COVID Illness Report to help us track and report cases to the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH). Please note that we added a question to differentiate reporting a case vs. requesting time off during winter break. If you are requesting time off, staff members are still required to notify their manager after testing positive with a PCR test. Proper documentation must be provided for any COVID-related absence.
Post-Holiday Testing
The CDC and CDPH predict another surge after the winter break as many Americans will be traveling over the holidays. To protect our school community, KIPP Chicago will require staff to participate in the post-holiday testing unless a staff member has tested positive in the last 90 days. If a staff member tested positive over winter break, please complete the Staff COVID Illness Report to help us track and report cases to the CDPH.
School-based staff should plan to test at 9:30 AM on Monday, January 9th, at their assigned campus. SSC staff should wait to test until the morning of Monday, January 9th. You will need to hand deliver your completed test to a COVID Nurse at one of our 6 locations on Mon, January 9th, by 10:00 AM.
If you have any questions, please email
Instructions: Please follow the testing instructions or tutorial video.
WARNING: Keep away from extreme temperatures. Do NOT freeze or leave the test sample in your car.
Before providing a sample in the test tube, please make sure saliva does not include mucus, coffee, blood, mouthwash, water, or any other substances.
Tests will be rejected if a sample looks like any of the following:
Antes de proporcionar una muestra en el tubo, asegúrese de que la saliva no contenga mucosidad, café, sangre, enjuague bucal, agua o cualquier otra sustancia.
La prueba será rechazada si se parece a cualquiera de las siguientes muestras: